AboutMe >.<
- Name~Alan Wong Bak Wei(黄拔伟)
- Hobbies~Play...Eat...Study...Sleep
- Email~blackangel2315_alan.wong@hotmail.com
- D.O.B~11/06/1991
- HP Number~0168x2x98x
- School~S M All Saints
- Address~Somewhere In Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.


Yummy Yummy!!!
So Nice oo...

Nice Wallet oo...
Nice Dear Photo oso...

Nice ma?
Got Dear de Photo oo...

Stupid Dear 琪琪 give me de 礼物。。。
Yesterday is a special day for me because I become older again...
Too bad...
Can't be too playful liaw...
Must act more mature and "Cute"
Kidding la...
This Year de Birthday very special de...
You know Why?
Because Me got a very Cute Stupid Dear 琪琪 help me to celebrate...
So Nice and Feel very 幸福 : )
We go 1Borneo as it is near to our two houses...
then we go NY for our lunch
We order 1 Seafood Pizza, 1 Cheese Beef Bugger and 1 Hot Milo with Cream...
So full and so happy
Because my Dear keep 喂 me eat...
Thankyou alot Dear...
Then We go watch the "Karate Kid" by Jackie Chan
You were so cold inside there and keep want my hug hug o...
Bad Bad : )
After that we go eat a Slice of Birthday Cake at Secret Recipe...
Haha... A Mango Delight Cake...
Thankyou For Everything Dear...
Your 111 Stars ( Copy Cat me de)
And your Wallet...
Want me to Earn More Money?
Just So Happy...
Love You Stupid Dear 琪琪。。。
但我知道的是你永远都是我的Stupid Dear 琪琪。。。
Happy 111 Day!!!
NS Story @.@
Hmmm...Where I need to start to talk?Let see...let start when the first day i enter the camp named Jurga, Banting, Selangor...But before going to camp, of course I will received a letter from government for me to attend what so ever khidmat negara program... when i found out that i be selected or chosen for program...I was so sad and upset why the government choose me(active ppl in BB) and those lazy didnt 'kena pilih' by the government... Luckly, My Bestx3 friend named Antony oso called as brother, He also been choosen for the program too (Same Camp Again) Haha...But he is unluckly that time he got health problem so can be 'pengecualian' so damm good right... And now only left me alone going for the 'stupid' three months trainings... I not scare those trainings and I never scare for that... But you know ka, it just waste our times and government money (see I so good again think for the government)... Now finally reach to the day I need to report to the 'government servant' at the Sukan Kompleks, Likas...We 'berkumpul' there and get free tickets to KL by MAS...before that we all or everyone get free RM10 for 'Salary' waaa....So good ka =.= Now We arrive at the KLIA...it is the most biggest airport i ever seen... 'kasian' never go out of the 'Home'... At the we berkumpul again in a line that go to the Kem Jurga...Meanwhile, I am so boring because of no friend that I know at there even though during KK i met at a old schoolmate named Ling (only that I know) too bad...But he different camp... too bad again...when inside the bus, i felt into sleep because too tired of waiting at Kompleks just now since 1am early morning until now like 9am morning...So I totally sleep until 'sampai' the camp...Waaaaaaaa...we finally there and I never see such so beautiful place (jail) arounded by Pokok Sawit...then the first thing came into my mind is 'oh no cant escape liaw because too hard haha'... then we are ask for fill in form and our begs kena sportcheck T.T...All my medicine kena rampas (scare me bunuh diri meh)... and then the teacher there bring us to our 'Base'( the place where we rest or sleep)... I be placed into Alpha Company(Best Company)... hmmm waiting there doing nothing for other campers report to the Kem Jurga... Haiz...then I go one pondok sit down and rest then I kenal liaw few 'Cina Ban' from Selangor and Sarawak but also Sabah too... We are chatting all about our hometown lifestye... it is quite different actually to them... but last last I also biasa liaw... At that moment, I realise that i will not boring anymore because got so many friends there... Now let talk about how I become Penolong Penghulu(APC)...First, of course the teacher need to choose the best among the best right so the teacher named Cikgu Mazlan ask those ever join any uniform organization come out and introduce to everyone... So I just go out for a try then manatau I kena pilih liaw as Penolong Penghulu (APC) with a nickname called as SEMULA... Maybe the Sabah tone different to them so they feel funny about it but never mind because at least I can bring out something happy to them...Haha...Sabahmaaa.....besides that I get to know a friend named Tze Yung in my Company(Alpha ^^) he just a normal people in my first view but somehow he actually quite special among the others... He dont like to work out with others as he think that once the one do bad thing before then he/she will forever bad boy or girl....Come on how can him see people like that...We as human sure make mistakes de but if you know what you are wrong then change it since everyone are given a chance by GOD.... Last, I found out that he is not a 'easy human' so I decided to help him to become a positif mind human but not a always negatif thinking... Until the end of the NS, He at least change somethng that he dont think too much negatif so hope that he will continue his tough and long journey in his future...All the best to him... Anyway, I alos get to know Best friends as well... Alot of good memory happen at there and I will never try to forget that...Hmmm...Let talk about the morning class(BK, Kenegaraan and so on) start at 9am sharp and attire is Baju Kelas...First it is so damm hot wearing the shirt but lama lama biasa la...haha...During the class alot of type of Songs to put on for us to listen...But until now i still cant get it what is the main purpose of putting those Songs...Haha..Ohya...I still remember a friend of mine always sleep during the class...His named is kueh(teacher always like to call him 'kuih')...Haiz...Too bad...But in the class I get to know alot of things too...For example...What is the true site of us we are...Who am I?...those type of thing...Moral Values also been taught at there... Anyway, we also got those fun activities de, for examples, kayak(since we got a we tasik there at our campsite)... mini sport kompleks...and so on...haha...As a Conclusion, It is a good sweet memories for me forever and ever...Hope to see my Friends back in the future....haha^^
什么是爱情?你明白吗?我有时在想这个问题时,我都会很累和头痛。。。你可以帮我找这个答案吗?谢了。。。因为我有了答案,那答案只有你用心想才能得到。。。“我爱你”这 句话大家都已经听到闷了是不是?为什么呢?因为我明白了真正的爱,是接受,不是忍受;是支持,不是支配;是慰问,不是质问。真正的爱,要道谢也要道歉;要 体贴,也要体谅;要认错,也好改错。真正的爱,不是彼此凝视,而是共同沿着同一方向望去。也许,爱,不是寻找一个完美的人;而是,要学会用完美的眼光,欣 赏一个不完美的人。牵了手,就不要,随便说分手。或许,爱就是心甘情愿的付出,甘苦与共的分享。不要等到失去了才知道可贵;不要等到伤害了才来乞求原谅; 有些东西失去了永远不会再回来。如果一个人向你表白,无论如何请珍惜他/她 对你的爱,即使只能做普通朋友;或许一个人纯真的表白不会再有第二次。因为善良,所以可爱;因为可爱,所以美丽;因为美丽,所以向往;因为向往,所以相 爱。不是因为孤独才相爱,而是要让相爱的不感到孤独。是爱,而不是时间,能够治愈所有的创伤。人的一生,总会有大段的平淡,打断不尽如人意的遭遇,是爱, 让我们想到美好,仍然有希望。有爱,你就不会感到艰难是一种负担。珍惜现在拥有的,远远比追求还没有的更重要。
Thank you for comfotting me when I'm sad
Loving me when I'm mad
Picking me up when I'm down
Thank you for being my friend and being around
Teaching me the meaning of love
Encouraging me when I need a shove
But most of all thank you for
Loving me for who I am.
I Finally get out from the S M All Saints...Yeahhh...But I will miss the everything that happen in the small and crazy class (5Bestari)... Happy or not happy I will remember until the last day of the world... Actually in the class a lot of good memory...the class is located at a place where the teacher is hard to know any bad things happen at the place...Hehe... and more the fungshui there also very nice la...Just one thing I dislike is the class air-con is so damm suck...even open also cant feel anything... Too bad... But nevermind as I can stand for it...haha...Now everyone is flying everything liaw...some at KL some at UK some at NZ and some at SRK...but me still here at the KK...Hope when you all back KK can find me this lonely Boy...Haha...Wish you all good luck in everthings...All the best!!!